Eagle Ballistics
Advanced Ballistics for PRS and Long Range Hunting.
EB app has over 39 years of knowledge and real world experience in it!
Advanced Ballistics for PRS and Long Range Hunting.
EB app has over 39 years of knowledge and real world experience in it!
Check for Updates frequently from the Apple Store!
Contact info@eagleballistics.com
Phone: 615-308-8498
America's most advanced ballistic solver!
This app incorporates the use of Bluetooth with :
Wind devices Bluetooth supported (may be more we have not tried}
Partnered with MilGPS for Mapping and target Acquisition
Here is a brief list of what this app does currently.
Hud is used for configuring parameters for your firearm. Changes made to the parameters listed here are immediately applied to your setup and reflected in the HUD and range cards.
These are the parameters of your rifle and scope that affect the bullet and its trajectory
Multi mode (PRS) and Military
This is a table of lanes and targets. There can be up to 30 lanes, each with up to 5 targets. This can be used to add, edit, and delete lanes and targets
James go's over our new tool for measuring you scope height
Range Card
Settings Gear
Measuring animals or Ranging with Reticle for the trophy hunter!
Timing movers for MPH and leads
This will help fix muzzle jump - vertical error with a hinting weight rifle at long range.
Accuracy and Sensitivity tool,
This tool is used to understand how inaccuracy in the parameters you have entered for your rifle, scope, bullet, or target affect the point of impact.
One of the important analysis is the Circular Error Probable (CEP). This determine the minimum size circle of error which contains a certain fraction of impacts. This tool provides an inner CEP of 50% and an outer circle of 95%. The circles correspond to the area that will be impacted with 50% and 95% of the time, respectively.
How to average your wind .
EB now connects live to wind zero for competition!
How to use Zero Angle
Truing BC for ELR
This tool is used for truing the values for your Muzzle Velocity or Ballistic coefficient. The process for truing both of these is similar and both will be covered here.
Should I true the Muzzle Velocity or Ballistic Coefficient? Our recommendation depends on whether you have an accurate Chronograph available. If you do not have a Chronograph, we recommend truing the Muzzle Velocity. If you do have a Chronograph, we recommend first measuring the Muzzle Velocity using the Chronograph and then truing the Ballistic Coefficient using this tool.
Be sure to true scope correction before truing muzzle velocity or ballistic coefficient.
This shows an analysis of how sensitive point of impact is to parameters. The purpose is to provide a sense of the relative importance of different parameters.
These analyses are calculated by solving for the amount of change required in one parameter to cause impact to change by a given amount. In the analysis, all other parameters are left unchanged. The distance solved for in the analysis is 1in for Imperial and 2.5cm for metric).
It is important to understand that sensitivity may be dependent on the other parameters. For instance, different parameters have different importance at different ranges. Latitude affects the significance of Azimuth and its impact on earth-based effects.
The same analysis is made for both positive and negative variation; sometimes these can differ substantially.
In some cases, a variable may not have any (or only a very small) effect on the point of impact. These may be reported as NA in the table.
This tab is used to generate range cards and other data based on your configuration.
For any of the cards, you may choose to email or print the card using the buttons in the toolbar.
This card shows standard ballistic data for varying ranges.
This card shows ballistic data for varying winds. This card can be useful to quickly make wind holds based on changes in wind speed and direction.
This card provides details about current firing configuration.
Create a small table of dial up and wind holds. This is intended to be printed and taped to your rifle stock as a quick reference to be used at shorter ranges if a more complete solution is not available. Ranges are only included out to 500yd (500m and wind speeds up to 5 MPH (metric: 10 km/h). The ballistic solutions are calculated for zero inclination, no earth effects (Coriolis or Eötvös), and no target movement.
These settings control operation of the Heads Up Display (HUD). They are available in the Settings, but are provided here for quick access.
This tool estimates the speed of a moving target using range, your scope reticle, and a timer.
Use of this tool requires a rifle or spotting scope with an appropriate reticle. The reticle must have measurements. Please be sure to refer to your rifle scope manual to ensure you know how to correctly read measurements with your reticle. See Rifle Scope section below for more information.
This assumes you know the Range to the target. If you do not know the range, you can use the Ranging Tool to estimate this.
After the range has been determined, there are two methods to using this tool: Known Distance Method and Known Time Method. In each method, you will first set the Movement Distance or Movement Time and the use your scope reticle and a Timer or Stop Watch to determine the other parameter. The steps for each method are provided below.
These are the settings and controls used to operate the tool.
In Timer mode, the button is pressed once to start a timer based on the current Time value. The timer counts down the time and it alerts when expired. It vibrates once when started. It vibrates twice and flashes the screen when it expires. This mode is used with the Known Time Method.
In Stop Watch mode, the button is pressed twice: once to start a stop watch and a second time to stop the watch and store the elapsed time in the Time field (and update the estimated Mover Speed). It vibrates once when started and twice when stopping. This mode is used with the Known Movement Distance Method.
With this method, the Range and Time are determined in advance and the Reticle is measured while using the Timer.
With this method, the Range and Reticle are determined and the Time is measured with the Stop Watch.
It is important to know what focal plane your scope uses. You can determine this by changing the magnification level. If the reticle size changes with magnification level, then the scope uses first focal plane. If the reticle size remains the same, then the scope uses second focal plane.
This tool is used for ranging and sizing targets with the reticle on your rifle scope.
Use of this tool requires a rifle scope with an appropriate reticle. The reticle must have measurements. Please be sure to refer to your rifle scope manual to ensure you know how to correctly read measurements with your reticle.
It is important to know what focal plane your scope uses. You can determine this by changing the magnification level. If the reticle size changes with magnification level, then the scope uses first focal plane. If the reticle size remains the same, then the scope uses second focal plane.
This tool calculates the size of objects using known range to the object and your scope reticle.
This tool calculates range to a target using known size of the object and your scope reticle.
This section lists various common hunting animals and their typical size, measured as the distance from back to brisket. Pressing the button next to the animal will set the Object Size to this size. You can use these buttons to quickly set the object size.
The Scope Correction Factor is used to account for error in vertical holds with your rifle scope. The default correction factor is 1.00000, which indicates no correction is required for your scope.
Determining your Scope Correction Factor should only be necessary once for the scope, since the correction factor normally remains the same for the life of the scope.
This process is often called the Tall Target Test as it involves firing at a tall target at short ranges.
The instructions below describe firing on the tall target. An alternative method is to secure your scope in a fixed jig which ensures the scope has no movement. This alternative does not require firing on the target and may be somewhat more accurate.
This tool is used to understand how inaccuracy in the parameters you have entered for your rifle, scope, bullet, or target affect the point of impact.
One of the important analysis is the Circular Error Probable (CEP). This determine the minimum size circle of error which contains a certain fraction of impacts. This tool provides an inner CEP of 50% and an outer circle of 95%. The circles correspond to the area that will be impacted with 50% and 95% of the time, respectively.
The CEP values selected by this tool do not match those used in the CEP link. While CEP can be associated with normal distributions and standard deviations, the CEP displayed by this tool are calculated by sorting the results of the Monte Carlo simulation, not by multiplying the standard deviation.
The results of the simulation can be shown either in Graphical or Table display.
In Graphical display, the simulated points of impact are shown on a target display. Each simulated shot is shown as a small red circle. The target is automatically scaled according to how much dispersion the bullets have. The center of the target (marked by black cross hairs) shows desired point of impact.
A grid is with 1 MOA or 0.1 mrad spacing is shown.
Green shaded rings are shown for 50% and 95% CEP. A final circle is shown for the maximum error distance. When using a Normal Distribution this final ring can be fairly large due to a high-error shot with low probability.
An option circular or square plate may be shown, if the option is enabled.
A small secondary green cross-hair is shown for the average impact point which is normally near the target center, but may vary depending on the type of error introduced.
The Table display shows a numerical analysis of the dispersion. An Average and Maximum Error is shown. For each axis, the Minimum, Maximum, Average, and Standard Deviation are shown.
Values are shown both in absolute distance as well as MOA or mrad units.
Circular Error Probable values are shown for the 50% and 95% of samples.
If enabled, hit probability for a circular or square plate is shown.
The Monte Carlo method is used for the analysis. This simply means that a simulation is repeatedly run. For each simulation, the tool selects random error based on selections you make and then simulates the shot based on the randomly chosen amount of error. After simulating a given number of times, the results are analyzed and displayed to show the pattern of impact that could occur.
The number of samples used for the Monte Carlo simulation. More samples can improve accuracy of the results but requires more time. This defaults to 1000. The minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 10,000.
There are two types of error distributions used by this tool: Linear Distribution and Normal Distribution. A background in statistics may be helpful to fully understand this setting.
With a Linear Distribution, the error values will fall in the range of +/- error for each selected error value. Each possible value has the same probability as any other. The error values will all fall into the range and will never exceed the give error value.
Important: The error values will extend over a range that is 2x the error value you enter. For instance, if you enter a Zero Offset error of 1in, then the error at the given 100yd range will be over 2 x 1in = 2in, which roughly corresponds to a 2 MOA range. For 1 MOA, you would use a value of 0.5 in.
With a Normal Distribution, the error value you enter is the the standard deviation of the error. As such, 68% of error values will be within the given range of error, +/-. If a muzzle velocity error of 10fps is set, then 68% of error will be in the range -10fps to +10fps (a total range of 20fps) of the muzzle velocity set for the bullet. This means some errors (approximately 32%) will fall outside this range.
The Recalculate button causes the simulation to be re-run. There is normally not a need to use this since new simulations are run whenever a value is changed.
An optional plate may be specified using the following settings. When enabled, the simulation tracks the probability of hitting the plate.
The point of aim for the simulation is the center of the plate. Note that in some situations the type of error may move the average point of impact from the center and the shooter may benefit from not using the center of the target as the point of aim. This effect is not accounted for in this analysis since the center of the target is used as the point of aim.
The plate will be shown in graphical display as a gray circle/square. In the table display, the hit/miss analysis and percentage are shown.
For each of the parameters, you can choose whether or not to introduce error for that parameter and (if so) how much error. By default, no error is introduced and all shots impact the center of the target.
When a parameter is changed, a new simulation is automatically started and the results are shown as soon as completed. There may be a small delay running the simulation.
The parameters may be individually enabled/disabled and the size of distribution adjusted. If error for a parameter is enabled but the amount of error is left at 0, this is the same as disabling that error.
You can enable as many or as few parameters as you choose. If no parameters are enabled, then the simulation will show no error. If a single parameter is selected, then only a single source of error is shown. As parameters are added, these are incorporated into the simulation. If all parameters are enabled, then all will be varied in the simulations.
Error parameters are shared among all rifles and are not saved with them. If you change rifles, the error parameters will be unchanged.
Zero Inclination Lock is ignored for the purposes of the simulation. It is treated as though it were turned off.
This tab is used for configuring parameters for your firearm. Changes made to the parameters listed here are immediately applied to your setup and reflected in the HUD and range cards.
These are the parameters of your rifle and scope that affect the bullet and its trajectory.
These are the parameters of your bullet that affect its flight.
You can enter them manually as described below. Alternatively, you may wish to use parameters from the catalog included with this program. Press the catalog button next to Bullet, select a Caliber, Brand, and Model. Press Ok to accept the values from the catalog. The catalog will provide all parameters except Lot and Muzzle Velocity (muzzle velocity will be specific to your rifle and bullet combination).
The zero section contains information about how the rifle was zeroed. These are the parameters of how you set your zero.
These are the environmental factors that that affect your bullet's flight.
Wind is a crucial factor for accurate shooting at longer ranges. Normally, wind is entered in the HUD or by the Mirage or Rain tool in the HUD.
The following parameters are related to an individual target.
The following values are calculated for the bullet impact on target.
The following values are calculated and provide information about your firearms operation under the current conditions.
These settings are control operation of the Heads Up Display (HUD).
The following values are used to configure behavior of this app.
This is a table of lanes and targets. There can be up to 30 lanes, each with up to 5 targets. This can be used to add, edit, and delete lanes and targets.
This will help fix muzzle jump - vertical error with a hinting weight rifle at long range.
Used to add to wind meter wind at you when shooting into a valley or Canyon.
Information for the Settings Gear
For use in PRS or multi targets lanes
input for your rifle data point Scope Height
select the device in the devices tab
allows the app to average wind speeds with a link wind meter
Allow fast transition between tools for that section
Email, Scan or use you camera to send and receive Stages and Lanes between users as well as rifle profiles.
James Eagleman is the Master Instructor at
Barbour Creek Long Range Shooting School
Phone : 615-308-8498
At Eagle Ballistics, our mission is to provide shooters of all levels with the best possible Ballistic program to help them perform at their best.
This Solver is a compilation of 34 years of long range shooting. We developed the app for our students at Barbour Creek, but the solver has become overwhelmingly sought after by others-we decided to release it to the public minus 2 items: Rain and mirage. Everything else is available.
About the founder
1SG (RET) James Eagleman is a 26-year Army, Sniper and Master Instructor. He was selected as the Honor Graduate of the U.S. Army Sniper School and U.S. Army Sniper Training Course (5th SFG) Graduate. James was a Master Instructor for the US Army, teaching ITC. He has the distinct ability to take the most difficult ballistic subject and teach it in a manner that anyone can understand and apply. Because of his unique training abilities, he is recognized by many as one of the best long-range instructors in the civilian world today and is also the former Director of Shooting Instruction for Gunwerks Long-Range University.
James not only brings years of military experience with combat and expeditionary deployments overseas, but also has many years training civilians in long-range hunting, internal, and external ballistics. His revolutionary wind calling technique is considered by many to be the most comprehensive taught anywhere in the world. He has been featured on the television show “Long Range Pursuit,” “Precision Hunting TV,” “Spiritual Adventure Outdoors,” and “The High Road with Keith Warren,” as well as numerous firearms blogs, articles, and instructional videos. His passion is training students in the art of Long-Range Hunting, as well as watching them learn and grow. James’s wind reading techniques are so accurate they are sought after by civilian Hunters, US Military snipers and United Kingdom Snipers.
James goal is to provide our clients with the skills and knowledge to make that once-in-a-lifetime shot whenever and wherever it presents itself.
Multi or PRS mode is a favorite of PRS competitors!
to learn from James go to: www.barbourcreek.com
Privacy Policy
Eagle Ballistics LLC built the Eagle Ballistics app. This SERVICE is provided by Eagle Ballistics LLC is with a Subscription and is intended for use as is.
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We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children. We encourage all children to never submit any personally identifiable information through the Application and/or Services. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet usage and to help enforce this Policy by instructing their children never to provide personally identifiable information through the Application and/or Services without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child has provided personally identifiable information to us through the Application and/or Services, please contact us. You must also be at least 17 years of age to consent to the processing of your personally identifiable information in your country (in some countries we may allow your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf).
iPhone use
This app uses your camera for certain functions.
location for latitude.
Angle inclinometer.
Reads pressure from the iPhone.
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We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
This policy is effective as of 2024-02-25
Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at james@eagleballistics.com or
Phone: 615-308-8498
America's top long range shooting school
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